acrylic mirrored sheets

Also known as plexiglass, lucite, or perspex, acrylic is a popular and versatile plastic for many applications. It is a common substitute for glass as it is crystal clear, lighter, more shatter resistant and easy to work with. Acrylic sheets can be laser cut or saw cut, as well as machined with routers, drills and…

What is the lifespan of acrylic mirrors?Does acrylic mirror break easily?Is glass or acrylic better for mirrors?

亚克力镜子的使用寿命是多少? 这意味着,如果正确维护您的亚克力板,它应该可以使用 10 年或更长时间,然后才会开始变黄。 亚克力镜子容易碎吗? 幸运的是,答案大多是否定的。与玻璃镜子不同,亚克力镜子由轻质塑料制成,不易破裂。塑料也比玻璃薄得多,使其更加柔韧并且能够更好地承受冲击。 镜子是玻璃好还是亚克力好? 亚克力镜的强度是玻璃的 17 倍,这意味着它们可以很好地承受并承受较大的冲击,例如敲击、碰撞或碰撞。亚克力镜子的强度使其非常适合在安全优先或玻璃可能破裂或破碎的情况下使用。